Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Optimum Organization - Drawing Student Names

Yes, I know, I'm posting twice in one day, but when I saw this Linky Party, I just had to do it!!!    Lady Bug Teacher Files and Fun in Room 4B are hosting an Optimum Organization Linky Party so we can link up with our favorite organizational ideas.  I can't wait to see everyone's ideas so I can put some into motion for next year.

One of my favorite organizational ideas is the system I have for drawing student names.  I love this idea and I use it every day to call on students.

                    CLICK HERE to see my post with all the details.


  1. Hi Amy!

    Long time no talk! =) I just found out I am moving to 3rd grade next year so am off to stalk my favorite 3rd grade teachers. Any tips, great products, or other advice?

    Think, Wonder, & Teach

  2. Sometimes the easiest of systems are always the absolute best! Thanks for linking up.

    Fun in Room 4B

  3. So smart and so easy!! Thanks for linking up with us!

  4. Hi Amy!! I couldn't find an email, so I decided to post here. :) I nominated you on my blog for a Liebster Award for your blog. Just a fun little thing to get the word out about us smaller bloggers. I just wrote a post about it on my blog:


    Busy Little Brainiacs

    1. Oh wow! Thank you Danielle! I really appreciate it. I'm adding my email to my site too. Sorry you couldn't reach me there. Amy
